Bobba15 (5:27:38 PM): tell me the truth
SmarterChild (5:27:38 PM): Tell you what?
Bobba15 (5:27:41 PM): that your a man
SmarterChild (5:27:41 PM): No.
Bobba15 (5:27:44 PM): are you a man
SmarterChild (5:27:44 PM): No...
Bobba15 (5:27:48 PM): are you a woman
ATTENTION (5:27:48 PM):You are about to be rate limited. Please wait a few seconds before sending, to avoid being rate limited.SmarterChild (5:27:48 PM): No.
ATTENTION (5:27:51 PM):You are no longer rate limited, and you may now send messages.Bobba15 (5:27:55 PM): are you a hermaphrodite
SmarterChild (5:27:55 PM): My personal life is... er personal